Navigating HOA Issues and Problems in Houston, TX Real Estate
March 28, 2023
As a Houston homeowner this spring, you may be left dealing with some common HOA issues and problems in the real estate market. This is especially true if you have recently purchased or moved into a home during this busy time of year. Common HOA issues and problems include property maintenance, parking regulations, pet policies, and more. Although these topics might not seem like they should cause too much concern, they can quickly become overwhelming when navigating the complex waters of your local homeowners association (HOA).
When it comes to property maintenance, there are several things that need to be kept up with each month. Many HOAs require homeowners to keep their lawns mowed and edged as well as bushes trimmed and gardens watered. If these tasks are not taken care of in a timely manner, then homeowners could potentially be fined.
In addition to property maintenance, parking regulations can also be an issue this spring. Many HOAs have rules about how many vehicles can park on the street as well as where they must be parked. If too many cars are parked outside or if they are obstructing walkways or driveways, then homeowners could potentially be fined for non-compliance.
Finally, pet policies should also be taken into consideration when living in a community with an HOA. Some communities may allow certain breeds of pets while others may restrict them altogether. Additionally, some HOAs may require that all animals must remain leashed and cleaned up after at all times.
Navigating the complex waters of HOA issues and problems can be difficult but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The best thing that homeowners can do is stay informed on their local HOA regulations and policies so they know exactly what is expected of them when it comes to property maintenance, parking regulations, pet policies, and more. Doing so will help ensure a smoother transition into springtime living in Houston Texas this year!
I’m Jay Thomas, a REALTOR in Houston, Texas. Chances are you and I share a similar passion, Real Estate! I also have a passion for building businesses, working out, inspiring others, technology, sports, and people. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram!
Hello! I’m Jay Thomas, a REALTOR in Houston, Texas. Chances are you and I share a similar passion, Real Estate! I also have a passion for building businesses, working out, inspiring others, technology, sports, and people. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram!
Hello! I'm Jay Thomas,